Reason Week at the University of Birmingham, 25 February to 1 March

25th Feb – 1st March 2013  is Reason Week at the University of Birmingham Atheist, Secular & Humanist Society (UB:ASH), and they have some interesting talks and discussions lined up.  These are open to all. Unfortunately they haven’t given exact details of all events so confirm times and locations at their Facebook page.

List of speakers – rooms and times to be confirmed:
Monday 25 Feb: Andrew Copson (Chief Executive of the BHA) – Blasphemy by the Backdoor
Tuesday 26 Feb: Maryam Namazie (Human rights activist) – Apostasy and Freedom of Conscience. Arts Building Room 201
Wednesday 27 Feb: David Pollock (Former President of the European Humanist Federation) – The Church’s Influence on Education
Thursday 28 Feb: Dr Allan Hayes (University of Leicester)- topic to be confirmed
Friday 1 March: Prof. Paul Sturges (Loughborough University)- Defamation of Religion

Lunch time (13:00-14:00) discussions and collaborations – rooms to be confirmed:
Monday 25 Feb: Collaboration with Interfaith Association – Interfaith Marriage
Tuesday 26 Feb: Collaboration with Christians in Science – Has Science Buried God?
Wednesday 27 Feb: Collaboration with Islamic Society – Islamophobia
Thursday 28 Feb: Collaboration with Fetish Society and LGBTQ – Sexuality and Religion
Friday 01 March: Collaboration with Philosophy Society – Euthanasia: The Right to Die

UB:ASH writes: 

The  UB:ASH is proud to present Reason Week 2013 –  an exclusive event with opportunities to inquire, and hopefully leave you feeling inspired!”We will be joined by other student societies to engage in frank, but respectful discussions about issues relating to religion, science and their impact on everyday life, as well as welcoming high-profile speakers who will be giving lectures on various interesting topics. This is a free and open event, so come along if you have any burning questions, a thirst for knowledge, or you simply want to learn what other people think. We are very excited to host Reason Week, and we hope to see as many of you there as possible.

“N.B.: As a group, we promote tolerance and respect. Religion is a topic that needs academic challenge, not conflict. So agression will not be tolerated. We encourage people from every belief group to come along and participate in what we hope will be engaging discussions, and to learn what other groups think without giving or taking offense.”

It doesn’t matter whether you are current student / ex-student / aspiring student / never been a student  ……you are welcome to attend.